probiotic pill

Prebiotics vs probiotics

UNDERSTANDING PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS   Probiotics have been getting so much press over the past years, but what are they? And what about prebiotics? Let’s shed some light and understand what they are, and how they can affect our health. The microbiome The gut is home to a variety of microorganisms, divided into colonies and…



MINESTRONE   What is more comforting than a bowl of minestrone, on a grey day like today? This has been a staple of my childhood winters, my mum used to cook it for dinner and put all the leftover vegetables that she had at home. As I was a very picky child, this was one…

social drinking

Alcohol and skin aging

ALCOHOL, OUR SKIN’S ENEMY?     Did you know that there is more than a headache after a night of binge drinking? Alcohol has many effects on our body, from increasing the likelihood of nutrients insufficiencies, to decreasing antioxidant protection, and stressing the liver, though we don’t often think about what happen to our skin…

chia seeds pudding

Matcha chia pudding

MATCHA CHIA PUDDING   I really like chia pudding, pretty much with any combination, particularly because satisfy my sweet cravings and can still be a healthy breakfast or snack option. You can use any type of milk/plant-based milk that you like, however I think that coconut milk works best in this case. This recipe has…