Sliced red onions

Onions: benefits and digestion tips

HEALTH BENEFITS OF ONIONS & HOW TO PREPARE THEM FOR OPTIMAL DIGESTION     Onions, those humble kitchen staples, have been on our plates for centuries, not just for their flavour-enhancing properties but also for their remarkable health benefits. From ancient medicinal practices to modern nutritional science, the onion has earned its status as a…

Mediterranean buddha bowl

MEDITERRANEAN BUDDHA BOWL   A mediterranean twist of the famous and versatile buddha bowl. This recipe combines the essence of the Mediterranean diet with the popular Buddha bowl concept, creating a harmonious blend of textures, colours, and tastes. Packed with nutrient-dense ingredients like crisp vegetables, protein-rich grains, and a medley of savoury and zesty flavours,…

Is tap water safe to drink?

TAP WATER BENEFITS AND WATER FILTERS OPTIONS     Water plays an essential part in maintaining our health, as it is involved in many processes such as regulating body temperature, flushing out toxins via kidneys and promoting blood flow. In the United Kingdom, access to clean and safe drinking water is considered a fundamental right,…