mixed berries

Benefits of berries

PHYTOCHEMICALS IN BERRIES AND THEIR BENEFITS     We keep hearing that eating berries is healthy, but instead of blindly accepting this as a truth let’s understand why. Berries are extremely beneficial, as on top of vitamins and minerals, they contain a host of phytochemicals that act as antioxidants and work in synergy to enhance…


Sprouting seeds benefits

SPROUTING: BENEFITS AND HOW TO DO IT     Seeds offer amazing nutritional value and are a great addition to our diet. They contain fibre, vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats, on top of valuable phytonutrients. When seeds are sprouted, they become living plants that can be stored in the fridge to retain all their…

dry hand

Causes of eczema

10 CAUSES OF ECZEMA THAT NOBODY TOLD YOU ABOUT   Eczema is a widespread skin condition that in the UK affects over 15 million people. It is characterised by itchy, red and scaly patches that can cover any part of the body and can be acute of chronic. It can develop an oozing crust that…

probiotic pill

Prebiotics vs probiotics

UNDERSTANDING PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS   Probiotics have been getting so much press over the past years, but what are they? And what about prebiotics? Let’s shed some light and understand what they are, and how they can affect our health. The microbiome The gut is home to a variety of microorganisms, divided into colonies and…

social drinking

Alcohol and skin aging

ALCOHOL, OUR SKIN’S ENEMY?     Did you know that there is more than a headache after a night of binge drinking? Alcohol has many effects on our body, from increasing the likelihood of nutrients insufficiencies, to decreasing antioxidant protection, and stressing the liver, though we don’t often think about what happen to our skin…